Guidarello Giovani Award 2024
December 3, 2024PwC Italia, in collaboration with the University of Bologna and with the participation of Confindustria Romagna, Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Rimini and Il Resto del Carlino, organised, as it does every year, at the San Patrignano Auditorium the Top 500 Romagna event, the annual appointment that provides an overview of the business realities of Romagna, with a prospective view on economic trends and upcoming challenges.
Gruppo Itway, based in Milan and present in 5 countries, Italy, Greece, Turkey, USA and UAE, is very proud to have its headquarters in Ravenna and we are proud to have a Romagna DNA. We attended the event where they presented data from the 2023 performance research of the top 500 companies in the area.
We are pleased to have been included in this important and prestigious group of companies in our territory.