Email address of the Supervisory Body:

Code of ethics: Itway Codice Etico 231 

General Part: Modello ex D.Lgs. 231/01


At the following link it is possible to access the Itway Group's platform dedicated to the management of the reports provided for by Legislative Decree 24/2023 ‘Whistleblowing Decree’ and the reports addressed to the Itway S.p.A. Supervisory Board.




Even though we are a multinational, we are deep-rooted in the territory of Ravenna and in Emilia Romagna.

We have always been active in cultural, social and environmental projects addressed towards the well-being of individuals and of the entire community. An economic commitment, but not just that: the top management of Itway Group is available for the development of non-profit initiatives.

The company aims to be as rigorous in social matters as it is in its business.

During the year we promoted many initiatives for schools, young people, supporting art and culture. We have a close partnership with Foundations and non-profit organizations; we financed the restoration of art work; we supported youth sport; and we financed medical research activities. We received awards for our sensitivity towards female workers and as a testimonial for corporate values.

We joined the UN’s “Global Compact” for human, environmental and labor rights. We are further committed to recognizing the professional contribution of human resources ensuring job safety and health, promoting the respect of workers’ rights and safeguarding equal opportunities and professional growth. We are committed to a responsible use of resources, respecting the environment and future generations, to contributing to the wellbeing and growth of the community where we operate through efficient and technologically advanced services, promoting research and innovation and favoring solidarity towards the underprivileged. We are committed to basing the excellence in our services on customer focus by being just, kind and available.